terms of service

1. General
I reseve the right to decline or refuse any commission for any reason.
I work from Artist Freedom - Meaning I have the freedom to position and pose the character how I see fit in doing so. HOWEVER! You are allowed to give me ideas of how you would like your art piece. I just don't take crazy request as I have had some give me RIDICULOUS request before which have caused much stress as an artist.Once commissions are closed, please do not spam my DM's for a commission. Once commissions are complete, I will announce when I am open again on my Discord and/or Twitter. No commissions will be taken on until all commissions are completed within the queue.All commissions will be added to my Trello. If you don't see yourself, please let me know through DM's.Please reframe from messaging me daily about your commission. If you need to know where we are at in your commission, please try checking out the Trello. Constant messaging can result in me delaying and or cause me great stress. So please, be patient. Art takes time and time is what makes it worth the waitPlease note, I work a full time schedule of not only working on artwork- but also Twitch Streaming and a full time job. So please be patient.. I do not give estimates of a time frame because anything can happen in this world. Either family, accidents or events. I do updates on twitter and again you can dm me about any questions you have.

2. Requirements to Commission
A full flat colored image is required for commissions to use as reference.
Having multiple different views of a character can be used if no reference sheet can be provided. Please not that this is not always 100% accepted and can still result in a no commission if the images you provide are not approved.Text descriptions are NOT allowed.

3. Wip's / Progress
All work in progresses will be sent to you via DM's and occasionally will be posted within my twitter.
You will be provided with a WIP for the rough sketch for approval to go into the outline phase.commissions will usually be completed in the order that they are recieved, HOWEVER if a commission is waiting for approval to go to the next stage, I will jump to another commission to work on in the meantime.

4. Payment
I only accept PayPal where you will be sent an invoice.
Full payment is required before you're added to my Trello QueuePayment pans are not accepted

5. Refunds
If no progress is made past the sketch a full refund will be provided.
Any progress past sketch phase will result in a partial refund. Amount refunded depends on how much work is done and time.If I want to cancel the commission for whatever reason a % refund will be issued depending on how much has been worked on.There are no refunds once the commission has been completed.

6. Cancelation by Artist / Aggressive Behavior
I have the right to cancel commissioners commission if I am feeling attacked and/or threatened by commissioners. This however doesn't mean you will get a 100% refund. If commissions have been worked on a estimated % will be refund only.
Showing signs of aggressive behavior and/or demanding your artwork to be completed ASAP when not given or discussed on agreement of a timeline? I have full rights to deny a refund with no % back. This will be for the compensation of the negative behavior you had put onto me that had caused me stress and pain.

7. NSFW Commissions
If commissioning for NSFW commissions, you must submit a valid ID (drivers license or passport) to verify age requirements in order to recieve a commission,

I MonsterMutt Jowey, DO NOT permit my work to be used for NFT use. I do not allow any reference of my work or any of my work to be used for purchase, trade, or sale of NFT work. By disobeying this rule? You then forfit your rights of commission with no refund and will be put on a Beware Buyer List. If you support NFT's thats your choice, just not with my work. I dont like them, but I would like my work to stay out of NFT's. Please respect me and my work. Thank you!

I MonsterMutt Jowey, DO NOT permit my work to be used for PROFIT use (UNLESS OTHERWISE, Ex: Twitch Emotes are permitted. Because they are subscription based). I do not allow users to turn Telegram Sticker Commissions into Twitch Emotes unless they pay an additional fee per art piece (i.e. per Telegram Sticker) to be used.Commissioning a artist to do telegram stickers and without their permission turning them into twitch emotes that are used to make profit is stealing, and will be seen otherwise. Please do not turn the telegram stickers you commission from me into twitch emotes to gain profit without talking to me first and paying the additional fee. Legal actions will be taken if not paid and spoken to.

If commissioning for PNG VTUBER FILE, you will agree to not share or use my png clip studio file with any other artist or creators. I MonsterMutt, give you the clip studio files in case you want to come back and commission me for more expressions and for if you want to add props such as seasonal png's and more. Sharing my files with another artist to create and extend your use of PNG V-tuber can result in a lawsuit/fine (to you and for the artist and person in question) as you are disobeying my rights as an artist and sharing files and work. sharing my files can also result in a "Copy Right" lawsuit as someone can potentially use my png vtubers as templates. Please again do not share your png vtuber files as they are all custom made for your specific character.Sharing will also result in a perma-ban for future commissions and will be notified to every single artist in the community of such actions to beware and don't allow to commission.

© Untitled. All rights reserved.